Maps and location
Location of GAIA's Main Offices in Donostia - San Sebastián

The Basque Country is one of the Autonomous Regions in Spain, bordering with France, on the vertex of the European Atlantic basin. Its strategic location and modern infrastructure enable a convenient and speedy connection with the rest of Spain and Europe.

Basque Country
- From Bilbao and Fuenterrabía:
A-8 motorway Junction: San Sebastián - Ondarreta - From San Sebastián:
N-1 Main road through Ondarreta Avd. Tolosa - References:
El Diario Vasco, Citröen dealer and Volkswagen

San Sebastián
Local buses from San Sebastián:
- Line 33 Gros-Antiguo-Amara
For further information on public transport:

C/Portuetxe, 14 - 1º. Edificio Ibaeta
20018 - San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
Tfno. (+34)943 31 66 66
Fax. (+34)943 31 10 66

GAIA is situated in a modern building with intelligent network infrastructures, permanent exhibition areas, telecommunications centres, training and demonstration rooms, and other auxiliary services that make up an efficient activity centre that the association and its member companies use to develop their joint actions.